Annual General Meeting
The general meeting appoints the board of directors and the company’s auditors, and adopts principles governing remuneration to the board of directors, the auditors, and the company’s senior management.
The general meeting shall also, at the annual general meeting which shall be held within six months of the end of the financial year, adopt balance sheets and income statements and decide on the discharge from liability for the board of directors and the managing director.
Shareholders are entitled to have an issue discussed at the meeting if the board is provided with notice thereof no later than eight weeks before the date when the meeting is held.
Notification of issue shall be addressed to the board and sent to:
Corporate lawyer Mats Efraimsson
Atrium Ljungberg AB
Box 4200
SE-131 04 Nacka
The date of the annual general meeting is announced in conjunction with the interim report for the third quarter. Notices convening the annual general meeting shall be issued 4–6 weeks before the meeting and shall be issued by means of press releases, announcements in the Swedish Official Gazette, and on the company’s website. The notice is issued together with a detailed agenda. The issue of the convening notice shall be announced in the Dagens Nyheter newspaper.