Investment case - Atrium Ljungberg
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Investment case

As a shareholder of Atrium Ljungberg, you receive a stable dividend yield at a low risk. At the same time, you have the potential for a healthy long-term total yield on your investment with regard to the company’s interesting project portfolio on attractive growth markets. Investing in Atrium Ljungberg also means investing in sustainable urban development.

Four reasons to own shares in Atrium Ljungberg:

  1. Stable dividend

    Atrium Ljungberg adopted in 2023 a new dividend policy under which approximately one-third of the income from property management will be distributed. In addition, the Board of Directors can propose that profits that are non-recurring in nature be distributed to the owners.

  2. Potential for good value growth

    With a project volume totalling approximately SEK 40 billion in land already owned by the company and land allocations that it has obtained, Atrium Ljungberg – and therefore the share – has excellent potential to report healthy value growth over time.

  3. Low financial risk

    We are in a strong financial position, with a stable loan-to-value ratio and interest coverage ratio. We have an investment grade rating of Baa2 from Moody’s with a negative outlook.

  4. Sustainable urban development

    Sustainability work is integrated in the business model where we continuously develop our areas in a sustainable direction. We are a long-term player that takes responsibility for the impact of our business on people and the environment.


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Annica Ånäs
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Anna Jepson
CFO / Business Area Director Business Support
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