Business ethics
Business ethics remain an important part of Atrium Ljungberg’s sustainability work. We will cooperate with our partners to develop our operations; one important aspect of this involves us working with our partners and suppliers to share knowledge and experience of our sustainability measures.
The first goal is to ensure that 100% of our main purchases are evaluated in 2025 in line with our Supplier Policy. This new goal will give us a better understanding of compliance and will enable us to evaluate and identify the actions we need to carry out to mitigate various risks associated with purchases.
The second main goal is to run at least two development programmes every year for our suppliers so that we can jointly develop our sustainability work and find new solutions, for us and for the industry.
Proactive work with suppliers
Our supplier policy is our Supplier Code of Conduct. It is based on the Swedish Property Federation’s Code of Conduct, but it has been updated and is continually developed. It sets out the minimum requirements that we impose on the entire supply chain. It covers issues like business ethics, the environment, climate, work environment, working conditions and human rights. These are important areas to work on so that we can reduce risks for the suppliers and ensure their health and safety. The Supplier Code of Conduct is used for all new suppliers and is being implemented step by step for existing suppliers.
Employee Code of Conduct
Our values – long-termism, collaboration, reliability and innovative thinking – form the basis of everything we do at the company. Employees must act in an honest way and with care, commitment and integrity to business partners and other employees. Our business ethics policy is also our code of conduct and applies to all employees and temporary employees.
We have guidelines in place for entertainment, gifts and benefits that provide more concrete guidance for the employees, and a training package with ethical dilemmas that has been used in courses with all employees since 2017. We provide induction training for new employees and temporary employees as well, where business ethics plays an important role. Work is also underway to digitalise parts of our business ethics into a joint onboarding package.
Whistleblower function
We have a whistleblower function that enables people to report suspicions of corruption and other crimes or policy deviations anonymously. Both staff and partners can use this function, which is provided by an external supplier. The reports that are received are dealt with by a steering group for the whistleblower function, which is monitored by the company’s General Counsel and the Chairman of the Board.
Our Tax Policy
We pay tax in Sweden, which comprises current tax, property tax, non-deductible VAT, stamp duty, social security payments and special payroll tax. Our tax policy states that we are to be a reliable, long-term and responsible member of society that consistently complies with laws and regulations and that balances shareholder interests with public interests. Taxes must be checked, reported and paid correctly. We undertake not to conduct aggressive tax planning. Aggressive tax planning relates to transactions that are not for commercial reasons, but only aim to reduce tax. The tax policy is available here.