Our City – socially sustainable locations
We have developed an index for social sustainability, from our perspective as both a property developer and property owner. This index is called ‘Our City’ and is based on principles for sustainable urban development that we have systematised to make our work methodical and measurable.
We have set up a goal where all of our locations that have more than one solitary building will have a score of 90% in our index by 2030. Our goal for socially sustainable locations is a way for us to see how our activities contribute to making our locations more sustainable, which will therefore help us achieve our vision, ‘Our city – where everyone thrives’. The index is divided into five aspects and indicators that aim to measure and monitor the effect of our measures and to see how our work leads to more sustainable locations, based on their unique conditions.
Security, well-being and accessibility
By working with security, well-being and accessibility, we create locations where everyone feels welcome. Providing people with a strong sense of security results in places where people want to work, live and spend time 24 hours a day; irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability. The indicators we measure are:
- Active ground floors with public activities
- No crime
- Balance daytime/night-time population
- 24/7 city
- Security measuring (survey/dialogue)
Closeness, togetherness and flexibility
We can encourage more people to come to our locations by working with accessibility and the range we offer. It must be easy to get to these locations and they need to offer good services. This makes the locations more attractive and gives people options to meet up. The indicators we measure are as follows:
- Varied district
- Recreational location
- Public space for activation
- Sustainable travel behaviour
- Easy to find your way around
Ecosystems and adaptation to climate change
By enhancing the green and blue structure of our areas, we can help provide more and stronger ecosystem services, and create places that are resilient and enjoyable. Green spaces not only encourage people to visit, but also improve the living conditions for a number of species. The indicators we measure are as follows:
- Green areas/parks/walkways
- Green space factor
- Climate adaptation
- Good microclimate
Identity, history and diversity
We want to enhance the identity of our locations to make them more attractive. They need to have a strong link to the history of the area to build on the heritage of the city; The indicators we measure are as follows:
- Location identity
- Location identity activation
- Visitors
- Location for everyone
Dialogue and participation
By focusing more on dialogue and participation, we can increase our understanding of the needs of our target groups and benefit from the creativity and the ideas that visitors to our locations have. The indicators we measure are as follows:
- Dialogue and target groups.
- Feedback
- Cooperation with tenants
Follow-up index
Every area is evaluated annually using the index to see how the activities and measures we carry out during the year have helped our locations to become more sustainable. The first year will be a benchmark measurement, showing where we are at the moment and the areas where we need to make progress.