Annual financial statement 2009 - Atrium Ljungberg

Annual financial statement 2009

• Net sales totalled SEK 1 980 million (1 855 m) • Operating profit from property management totalled SEK 1 052 million (934 m) • Profit before changes in value totalled SEK 667.4 million (537.2 m) • Unrealised changes in value totalled SEK –523.0 million (–1 202.1 m) • Profit after tax totalled SEK 186.9 million (–402.4 m), which corresponds to SEK 1.44 per share (–3.09) • Investments in Atrium Ljungberg’s own property totalled SEK 1 087 million (1 223) • Gearing amounted to 45.6 per cent (43.8) • The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 2.25 per share (2.00)
