Annual financial statement 2010
- NET SALES totalled SEK 1,936 million (SEK 1,980 m), of which rental income totalled SEK 1,614 million (SEK 1,656 m)
- THE OPERATING SURPLUS from property management totalled SEK 1,029.5 million (SEK 1,052.0 m). Excluding properties sold, the operating surplus increased by 4 per cent
- THE PROFIT BEFORE CHANGES IN VALUE totalled SEK 668.6 million (SEK 667.4 m), exceeding the most recently issued forecast by SEK 640 million
- CHANGES IN VALUE totalled SEK 522.4 million (SEK – 574.6 m)
- THE PROFIT AFTER TAX totalled SEK 915.5 million (SEK 186.9 m), corresponding to SEK 7.03/share (SEK 1.44/share)
- INVESTMENTS in Atrium Ljungberg’s own properties totalled SEK 1,047 million (SEK 1,087 m)
- THE LETTING RATE was 94 per cent (93%), including project properties
- THE BOARD PROPOSES an increase in the dividend to SEK 2.40/share (SEK 2.25/share).