Interim Report 1 January – 30 September 2014
22 Oct 2014, 10:30
- Net sales totalled SEK 1,714 million (SEK 1,752 m), of which rental income increased to SEK 1,481 million (SEK 1,445 m).
- The letting rate amounted to 93 per cent (95 % as of 31/12/2013), including project properties, where Sickla Front and NOD now is included.
- The operating surplus from property management increased to SEK 1,019.5 million (SEK 959.4 m).
- The profit before changes in value increased to SEK 652.4 million (SEK 616.2 m).
- Unrealised changes in the value of properties amounted to SEK 426.1 million (SEK 41.5 m). Unrealised changes in the value of financial instruments amounted to SEK -622.8 million (SEK 341.2 m).
- Net profit for the period totalled SEK 370.3 million (SEK 855.7 m), corresponding to SEK 2.81/share (SEK 6.57/share).
- Investments in Atrium Ljungberg’s own properties amounted to SEK 508 million (SEK 942 m). Properties were acquired for a total of SEK 620 million (SEK 0 m).
- Property was sold for SEK 94 million (SEK 980 m).
- The 2014 profit forecast before changes in value and tax is unchanged at SEK 815 million.
"We have a stable growth in profit during the period with an increase in both the operating surplus and profit before changes in value by 6 per cent. The business climate for the property sector in Sweden is favourable and the future prospects for Atrium Ljungberg are good. My expectation is that we will have a number of new project starts during the upcoming 12 month period," says Atrium Ljungberg's CEO, Ingalill Berglund.
Nacka 22-10-2014
Atrium Ljungberg AB (publ)
Interim Report Jan-Sept 2014
Press release Atrium Ljungberg 22-10-2014 Interim report Jan-Sept 2014