Interim Report January-June 2020
10 Jul 2020, 07:30
“Our office business remains stable and we are seeing a positive trend in retail” says Annica Ånäs, CEO of Atrium Ljungberg.
- Net sales increased to SEK 1,464 million (SEK 1,358 m), of which rental income amounted to SEK 1,227 million (SEK 1,280 m).
- The letting rate was 92 per cent (93%), including project properties.
- Net letting amounted to SEK -7 million (SEK 19 m), of which SEK -1 million (SEK -1 m) referred to project properties.
- The operating surplus from property management amounted to SEK 811 million
(SEK 879 m). The surplus ratio amounted to 66 per cent (69%). - The profit before changes in value amounted to SEK 566 million (SEK 626 m).
- The unrealised changes in the value of investment properties amounted to SEK-1,207 million (SEK 1,314 m). Unrealised changes in the value of derivatives amounted to SEK -240 million (SEK -374 m).
- The net profit for the period totalled to SEK -570 million (SEK 1,227 m), corresponding to SEK -4.39 per share (SEK 9.42 per share).
- Investments in Atrium Ljungberg’s held properties increased to SEK 1,156 million
(SEK 815 m). - Property acquisitions amounted to SEK 295 million (SEK 1,160 m).
- Sales of properties increased to SEK 3,979 million (-).
- Temporary rebates relating to Covid-19 amounted to SEK 38 million net, which had an impact on profit for the second quarter.
Nacka 10/07/2020
Atrium Ljungberg AB (publ)
This disclosure contains information that Atrium Ljungberg AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014) and the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, at 10-07-2020 07:30 CET.
Atrium Ljungberg Interim Report Jan-Jun 2020
Press release 10-07-2020 Atrium Ljungberg Interim Report Jan-Jun 2020