Interim Report January – June 2022
8 Jul 2022, 07:30
Strong net letting for the first half year but continued uncertainty in the world around us. Many property deals have been made at high levels in our subsidiary markets, which is reflected in our valuation. With stable property operations and project profits, we deliver a profit after tax of SEK 4.9 billion, says Annica Ånäs, CEO of Atrium Ljungberg.
- Rental income amounted to SEK 1,218 million (SEK 1,137 m), with an increase in comparable portfolios of 2.3% (0.1%).
- The operating surplus amounted to SEK 818 million (SEK 764 m), of which comparable portfolios increased by 1.3 % (0.1%).
- Net sales for project and construction work amounted to SEK 105 million (SEK 609 m) while gross profit totalled SEK -19 million (SEK 125 m).
- Profit before changes in value amounted to SEK 550 million (SEK 683 m) corresponding to SEK 4.35/share (SEK 5.38/share).
- Unrealised changes in the value of properties amounted to SEK 4,051 million (SEK 1,131 m) which included project returns of SEK 1,243 million (SEK 389 m).
- Profit for the period amounted to SEK 4,873 million (SEK 1,691 m), corresponding to SEK 38.58/share (SEK 13.32/share).
- Net letting for the period amounted to SEK 96 million (SEK 7 m) of which the company itself terminated SEK -28 million (SEK -24 m) to pave the way for future projects.
- Investment for the period amounted to SEK 4,710 million (SEK 1,068 m) of which SEK 3,728 million (SEK 25 m) was for acquisitions.
- The net asset value amounted to SEK 277.14/share, which is an increase of 14.9%, adjusted for the dividend, compared with the start of the year.
Nacka, 08/07/2022
Atrium Ljungberg AB (publ)
This information is information that Atrium Ljungberg AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 07:30 CET on 8 July 2022.