Interim Report January – June 2023 - Atrium Ljungberg

Interim Report January – June 2023

– We have continued to report positive net letting, while profit from property management has increased by 24%. This is a result of strong rental growth, effective cost control and stable net interest income, says Annica Ånäs, CEO of Atrium Ljungberg. In June we launched Stockholm Wood City – the world’s largest urban wooden construction project. I am so proud of this initiative, which has attracted widespread international coverage. This is a milestone, not only for our company, but also for Swedish innovation, concludes Annica Ånäs.
  • Rental income amounted to SEK 1,411 million (SEK 1,218 m), with an increase in comparable portfolios of 12.2% (2.3%).
  • The operating surplus amounted to SEK 987 million (SEK 818 m), of which comparable portfolios increased by 15.0% (1.3%). 
  • Net sales for project and construction work amounted to SEK 176 million (SEK 105 m) while gross profit totalled SEK 1 million (SEK -19 m).
  • Profit from property management amounted to SEK 658 million (SEK 550 m) corresponding to SEK 5.22 per share (SEK 4.35 per share).
  • Unrealised changes in the value of properties amounted to SEK -989 million (SEK 4,051 m), which included project returns of SEK 20 million (SEK 1,243 m).
  • Profit for the period amounted to SEK -440 million (SEK 4,873 m), corresponding to SEK -3.49 per share (SEK 38.58/share).
  • Net letting for the period amounted to SEK 31 million (SEK 96 m) of which the company itself terminated SEK -5 million (SEK -28 m) to pave the way for future projects.
  • Investments for the period amounted to SEK 1,006 million (SEK 4 710 m), of which SEK 0 (SEK 3,728 m) was for acquisitions. Property sales amounted to SEK 1,825 million (SEK 49 m). In the second quarter, Parkhusen block 2 in Gränbystaden, Uppsala was completed, with a profit of SEK 27 million recognized (the equivalent of 54% apartments being taken into possession).
  • The net asset value amounted to SEK 264.42 per share, which is a reduction of 1.3% adjusted for dividends paid.   

Nacka, 06/07/2023
Atrium Ljungberg AB (publ)

This information is information that Atrium Ljungberg AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. This information was provided, through the above contact person, for publication on 6 July 2023 at 07.30 CET.

Interim Report January – June 2023
Press release