Changes in Atrium Ljungberg’s company management – Micael Averborg is leaving
10 Aug 2016, 10:30
Micael Averborg, Transactions and Establishment manager at Atrium Ljungberg, is leaving after 16 years with the company.
Micael Averborg has worked at Atrium Ljungberg since 2000. Over the years he has had various roles, most recently as the business area manager for Transactions and Establishment, and has formed part of the company’s management group.
“For many years Micael has contributed to Atrium Ljungberg’s development and success. We really wish him well in his new role,” says CEO Annica Ånäs.
Micael Averborg will be relinquishing his position by 15 September at the latest. Work on appointing a successor is now in progress.
Nacka, 10/08/2016
Atrium Ljungberg AB (publ)