Annual General Meeting in Atrium Ljungberg AB o... - Atrium Ljungberg

Annual General Meeting in Atrium Ljungberg AB on 20 March 2025

At the Annual General Meeting in Atrium Ljungberg AB (the “Company”) on this day it was resolved to adopt the Annual Report for the financial year 2024. It was also resolved to discharge the members of the Board of Directors and the CEO from liability in respect of the previous financial year.

The Annual General Meeting resolved on a dividend to the shareholders in the amount of SEK 3.60 per share divided into two instalments of SEK 1,80 per share each. The record date for the first instalment shall be 24 March 2025, and that the record date for the second instalment shall be 26 September 2025.The dividend is expected to be paid via Euroclear Sweden AB on 27 March 2025 and 1 October 2025, respectively.

The Annual General Meeting resolved that the Board of Directors for the period until the end of next Annual General Meeting shall consist of six ordinary members. It was resolved to re-elect the following members of the Board of Directors: Gunilla Berg, Simon de Château, Conny Fogelström, Sara Laurell Johan Ljungberg och Johan Thorell. Johan Ljungberg was re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Deloitte AB was elected as the auditor, with Hans Warén appointed as the principal responsible auditor.

The following persons will constitute the Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2026: Peter Bäärnhielm (appointed by the Holmström family), Henrik Forzelius (appointed by Coop Östra), Johan Ljungberg (appointed by the Ljungberg family), Anna Strömberg (appointed by Carnegie Fonder), and Sampsa Ratila (appointed by Ömsesidiga arbetspensionsförsäkringsbolaget Varma).

The Annual General Meeting approved the board's remuneration report for the previous financial year.

The Annual General Meeting resolved to authorise the Board of Directors during the period until the next Annual General Meeting on one or more occasions, to decide on the issue of new class B shares corresponding to a maximum of 10 per cent of the Company’s share capital with or without disapplying the shareholders’ preferential rights. An issue may be made against cash payment, by set-off or by contribution in kind. In the case of disapplying shareholders’ preferential rights, the shares shall be issued at market terms and conditions.

The Annual General Meeting resolved to authorise the Board of Directors, during the period until the next Annual General Meeting, to resolve on repurchasing so many class B shares that the Company’s holding at no time exceeds 10 per cent of all shares in the Company. Furthermore, the Board was authorized until the next Annual General Meeting, to decide on the transfer of own class B shares. Transfers may be conducted on or outside Nasdaq Stockholm, including a right to resolve upon deviations from the shareholders’ preferential rights. The transfer of shares outside Nasdaq Stockholm shall be made at market price, including the application of a customary and marketable discount in relation to the listed share price may be applied, in cash or value in property received.

The Annual General Meeting decided to increase the number of shares in the company by splitting each share, regardless of type, into five shares (so-called split), thereby increasing the total number of shares in the company to 666,103,680, of which 20,000,000 are A-shares and 646,103,680 are B-shares. The Annual General Meeting also decided on related amendments to the Articles of Association regarding the limits for the number of shares and authorized the Board of Directors to determine the record date for the split.

Nacka, 20 March 2025
Atrium Ljungberg AB (publ)
The Board of Directors

Press release