Campus Sickla - Atrium Ljungberg
Dekorativ bild

Campus Sickla

Campus Sickla is further strengthened with an expanded high school.

Municipality: Nacka

Premises type Project area (m2)
Premises 2,100
Sum 2100
Investment (SEK m)
Kv 3 2025
Rental value excl. surcharges (SEK m)

Expanded high school.

Atrium Ljungberg has signed an agreement with Nacka municipality to extend the lease for the existing high school in Sickla, while plans are being made for an extension to the school building. The agreement concerns the sought-after high school YBC (Young Business Creatives), which will have expanded premises next to Rytmus and Designgymnasiet. When the addition of just over 2,100 new square meters is completed, Campus Sickla will house approximately 2,300 students distributed among 4–5 different high school programs. The extension is planned to be ready by the fall semester 2025.

The investment in Campus Sickla is part of developing Sickla as a district with a mixed content of education as well as workplaces, housing, culture and service.